
While one-time donations are always welcome, we would be really, really grateful if you’d consider making a monthly donation at any amount. Simply having an idea of how much support we have each month allows us to budget more effectively.

  • To donate, please click here.

  • We are also a "confirmed" PayPal charity, which means you can also safely use PayPal for your donations (

  • Want to pay by check & mail it? Please make checks payable to A FARM LESS ORDINARY and mail to our business address: 17281 Simmons Rd., Purcellville, VA 20132.

  • For any fundraising-related questions, please contact our Director of Development, Jesika Davis at

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Photo Credit (banner image above): Ed Felker


We're pretty active on social media. Sometimes, we even get artistic with the buds and bugs we find in the garden!

Join the Movement

Tell your friends and family about the current dire employment situation for adults with developmental disabilities, and join the inclusive employment movement. There are many organizations out there, like ours, looking to help individuals and families achieve a meaningful life for everyone.

Check out the Care Farming Network

Check out Red Wiggler Community Farm →

Check out the Arc